Angie Johnson

Can Too Beyond

Thank you, thank you, thank you

This will be my last blog post for this incredible journey.  I just want to thank everyone who supported me in this marathon adventure - both financially, physically (running friends) and emotionally.  This has been a delightful experience brought about by such an unfortunate and tragic event. 

If you didn't already see on my facebook page, here is the summary.  I completed the marathon with raising more money than I was hoping for, ran a 20 minute PR for the marathon clocking in at 4:14:56 and felt like a honored Justine in the process. Overall, a success. 

I was surprised with how much I enjoyed running the 26.2 miles, and have already signed up for my next event!! 

Justine, I love you and still can't believe you are not on this planet doing life with all of us.  I miss you.  Your running friend.  Angie. 

Tapering seriously

I'm taking the taper very seriously.  Basically, not much running at all.  After my 22 miles on Monday, I didn't run again until Friday, and not because I was sore (I pulled up surprisingly well) but because I simply didn't have time, and didn't have the discipine to wake up early, in the dark and the rain, to get in my run before work.  So, I ran 3 on Friday and I ran a beautiful 3 miles today with some girlfriends, and more importantly enjoyed coffee with them afterwards. 

My friends training for Queenstown marathon ran yesterday(shout out to Brian, Paul and Edith!), and basically kicked butt!  Now it is my turn coming up.  In 2 weeks, by this time, I'll be done with the race and meandering aimlessly by myself around Sacramento waiting to catch the plane to get back to the family.

Thanksgiving is this week in America, so Thursday is a blissful day off work.  There will be time for a run there, and then more tapering next weekend, and then I'm on a plane the following Saturday. I've become a little obsessed with the perfect playlist for the run, and think I'm getting pretty dang close! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 


Last long run - 22 miles!!

I did it!  I ran 22 miles. I am wondering why I do this thing, called training for a marathon.  It is such a long, long way and my feet get tired, but all for a good cause! Raising money for cancer. 

 My neighor and fellow mother at our elementary school is fighting her own battle with cancer right now, and I dedicate these 22 miles to her.  Cancer is unacceptable and such a plague that can hit any of us at any time.  It isn't fair that a beautiful mother of 3 has to become the cancer warrior woman.  My heart goes out to you, Adrienne, and I'm sending my love your way. 

My goal for these 22 miles was to run the first 18 miles under 10 minute miles, which I did (except for mile 5), and then mile 19-22 do the shuffle.  I'm sore now, but I feel strong out there, and I'm definately ready for this race.  I'm super excited that the long runs are mostly over.

I'm pretty pooped now and probably get worst mum award, as I'm too tired to make dinner, so ordered take out, again.  


2nd last long run - 20 miles and a pile of chafing!

You know, for me, 26 miles is a very long run.  And training for 26 miles is quite the process.  This will be my 3rd marathon.  I trained for the Portland marthon last year, and did it with a group.  This one, I'm doing with a "group" in a different land, so I'm basically running by self. For me, it is very difficult to run 20 miles by myself.  But what pulled me out of bed this morning and into my running gear are the 14 sponsors and $3300 of fund-raising that is behind this campaign.  Also, Brian Whealing's blog post yesterday of finishing his last long run before his marathon totally motivated me to run today to.  I didn't feel alone, despite running alone.   I'm completely driven and motivated to run for them, and ultimately, for Justine.

It was windy, but sunny, and was an amazing run for me!!  I still haven't figured out how to avoiding large amounts of chafing, even with body glide and fancy running clothes. The camel back I wore today also added to some new and unexpected back chafing in otherwise "safe" places.  

I managed to run 17 of my mile under 10 minute pace, and the last 3 miles were between 10 and 11 minute miles.  My last long run, which will be in 2 weeks, and will be 22 miles (God willing) I'm hoping to make 18 of my miles under 10 minute pace.  

Besides my stinging skin, my body feels good, and I feel ready for this marathon. I'm quite confident it will be an emotional race for me, but I'm very glad I'm doing it.  

End of week 13 - 30kms (almost), 18 miles

This past weekend we spent in San Fransciso. We were "forced" to go to renew our Australian passports.  I've never been to San Fran before, so it was quite the experience.  I decided to take a walk while my family was resting in the hotel, and walked around the lovely district of South Martket.  In hindsight, always ask the concerige where to walk before heading out in a big city.  South Market is NOT a safe place - filled with homelessness and drugs, and I certainly probably saw the lowest of the low in San Fran for about 1 hour.  

The rest of the weekend was filled with your usual tourist destinations, but to be honest, they were all crowded, and basically I felt unimpressed by San Fran.  I will have to do it again and have a different experience.  

But then.... I still had my long run to complete when we returned back to Portland on Sunday afternoon at 3pm.  I had skipped my 10 mile (16 km) run last weekend after being exhausted from my trip back to Australia, and this being a real long run (another 30km, or 18 miles) , knew I couldn't skip.  So I headed out, at about 3:30pm, feet and body already tired from a pretty hectic weekend.  But I got it done, people.  It was so nice to be back in my little, safe town of Portland, and running around the bridges and the areas I love made me feel so thankful to be living in this beautiful part of the world. A striking contrast from the crowds and buildings of San Fran.

Running 18 miles by yourself is NOT as fun as running 18 miles with your brother and Mark Hardy, just for the record. 

I have now reached more money than originally hoped for in memory of Justine and to fund cancer research.  When I was feeling super tired at about mile 13 yesterday, I thought of all the people who have supported me running beside me and carrying me on. It pays to have an active imagination when you are running long distances and wanting to stop.  So thank you again to all my financial and emotional supporters. 

Grief and thanks

Can you even believe what has happened this week in Las Vegas?  I boarded the plane in Australia, was zoned out of any news for 14 hours, and landed in Los Angeles to the news of the massacre in Las Vegas.  What happened there is absolutely inconceivable, and totally unacceptable.  When is this madness going to stop? 

I literally can not turn the radio or news on since I landed.  I refuse to listen.  I refuse to take on the reality of this country.  This masacre has literally left me contemplating if I want to part of this society anymore.  Enough is enough and it might be time to consider where I reside?  Especially after such a beautiful trip in Melbourne, the contrast is striking this week. 


Health care.

Gun violence. 

It is a confronting place to live. And just to add to the sadness and craziness, one of my co-workers who was supposed to return to work this week after a 3 month maternity leave, came to work for a few hours and then left in tears as she couldn't be separated from her baby.  What sort of society even asks that of our mothers?  It feels so wrong. Priorities all out of order. What is wrong with a 1 year maternity leave... waiting until your baby can lift its head and doesn't need to depend, literally depend, on mother's milk for its survival.  That just makes me feel sad too.

I'm jetlagged. 

And then I have one more person to thank.  In this sadness, another person has reached out to my little running campaign of attempting to add some goodness to the chaos.  Annie Crawford, thank you so much for your encouraging words and your financial support!  I am literally overwhelmed with emotion of people's generosity for the memory of Justine. Thank you, thank you, thank you Annie.

It is still completely messed up that Justine is dead.  I'm so sad that she was stolen from us.  I'm just so sad. 

This picture is my last day in Australia with 2 of my 3 gorgeous nephews. My nephews make me happy. 

OMG - 18 miles! What?

Today, with Mark Hardy and Christopher Morris (who happens to be my brother) set out to literally run around Melbourne!!  30 kms, or 18 miles.  It was about 2 miles longer than I was scheduled, but when you have the chance to run with 2 Aussie blokes, you don't turn it down!  It was a gorgeous morning, great company and another long run crossed off the list.  End of week 12, now done!  

Personal Record - half marathon!

Today, I am in Melbourne!! I have come to Australia for a quick "party" for my Mum... she just turned 70!  And, coincidently, there was a half marathon that my brother and I signed up for the day after the little birthday party.  

And, literally, in a thunder storm start that included hail, blustery winds and rolling hills, I ran a personal best for my half marthon!!  1:56:47.  I'm super excited about this!! The main reason I was able to run this time was due to the woman in this photo.  I didn't get her name, but BOY, could she run down hills FAST!  She kept me speedier than I would otherwise have been, and we basically stuck together for about 3/4's of the run.  She is running the Melbourne Marthon in 3 weeks, and the New York marthon in November. She was amzaing... what an angel sent to help me!  It was a fantastic run, and I'm still on a runner's high.  My training continues to go strong, and I have no doubts that I'll be able to finish this marthon in December with another personal recored.  Exciting times. 

Thanks again for everyone's support.  It means the world to me

End of week 9 - 14 kms

My update is that I've just finished end of week 9.  I ran 14 kms today, which is about 9 miles, and still feel really strong.  I met my consistent running friends this morning, minus Kim and Nicole, and this morning in particular I feel very grateful to ALL the running partners I've ever had in my many years of running.  I celebrate my friendships and my running journey with these amazing women, and a special shout out has to go out to Amy who has met me, probably for the last 2 years, almost every Sunday morning, rain or shine, just showing up.  Love you, lady!

Ultimately, running is what brought Justine and I together and I've been reflecting on how amazing this sport has been for me in just being able to solidify friendships.  The highlight of my week is coffee after runs on Sunday mornings. I might go insane without this practice every week.  I cherish this time!!

The fundraising is going awesome, thanks to my mother-in-law who contributed significantly to the cause yesterday, which was unexpected and amazing.  I'm so thankful.  

There is a big race coming up next week which I'm excited to share after the event.  I'm hoping to run a half marathon under 2 hours, but not sure if that is possible.  Regardless, super excited about what is happening next weekend.  More to be revealed in next week's blog.

Here is a little video update on my reflections today (I kind of suck at embedding things into this blog, so here is a link instead):


Also, my new favorite song, which reminds me of Justine too, "you are the apple of God's eye" is this - Sun by Sleeping at Last.  Makes me cry.





14 miles - more than half way!!

I ran 14 miles this morning, which is more than half of the marathon distance.  It was a goregous Portland, fall morning - blue skies and perfect temperature.  I had an absolutely amazing run, and met up with 2 of my gorgeous running friends at mile 9, and they ran the last 5 miles with me.  Basically, I felt strong, fit and en fuego this morning!!

I also received something special in the mail this week from Can Too, which you can see in the photo.  I also received the bright orange running top, but I think I will save that special shirt just for races.  I'll be running an actual half marathon in 2 weekends from now, so I'll be sure to wear it then. 

Running in memory of Justine definately gives me extra purpose and motivation.  I've received so much support from the Can Too team in Australia, and it feels good to be able to do SOMETHING in the wake of such a tragedy. I just wish she could run this marathon with me, too. 

Week 6 - Hood to Coast

Firstly, a big thank you to the annoynmous donor who generously gave to Can Too!! The support is amazing!! I've already reached 10% of my goal, and I'm so thankful for the people who are supporting me, both financially and with encouragement!

And then.... there was this weekend.

My FAVORITE running race is Hood to Coast, an amazing 12 person relay from the top of Mt Hood to the town of Seaside, Oregon.  Each runner runs 3 legs, one in the middle of the night, and you are completely sleep deprived by the time you arrive at the beach, ready to imbibe some delicious drinks and be HAPPY!  It was this weekend, was super fun, and was a great training run for the marathon.

I ran 15 miles over 3 legs... not bad!

Hood To Coast Video

And in case you are interested, here is more information on this amazing race


The Official Hood To Coast Trailer


Day 25 - 8 miles, August 13th

Today I ran 8 miles.  Justine's memorial service was on Friday, and I watched part of it online.  It was pretty heart crushing.  

Today's run felt great.  I've officially signed up for the California International Marathon December 3rd, and have booked my accomodation, with enough beds for my family to be there and cheer me on if they want to. It all feels exciting and real now.  

Justine is propelling me on!


Day 18 - 7 miles

I jumped a few days in my training plan due to getting myself "on schedule" so that I'm prepared to run the marathon December 3rd.  My 7 mile long run today in the Portland heat was actually not a challenge at all - I feel strong currently.  I'm excited that I've figured out how I'm going to honor Justine by joining back up with Can Too, and although I wont be able to run the Queenstown marathon due to logistics, I'll be virtually training with some of the team who trainined with Justine and me way back in 2009 (shout out to Brian and Paul).  The California International marathon looks great, and I'm excited the plan is all coming together - now I just have to excecute it!

I'm running for Juzzy

As you may have heard, a friend of mine, Justine Ruszczyk, was killed in Mineappolis, MN, USA July 15th by a policer officer. I met Justine when I ran my first and only Can Too program in 2009, the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon.  When I heard of her death, I was stunned and shocked, and after a few weeks, decided I wanted to raise money again in Justine's memory.  I have decided to use Can Too and raise money for cancer research.  Can Too was what brought Justine and I together.  The program and the months of training together was very meaningful to both of us then, and feels even more meaningful to me now, after her death.

Here is the spirit of Justine captured perfectly, as I remember her:

I have decided to run the California International Marathon in Sacramento, California.  I wanted to join some of the runners who also trained with Justine and me in 2009 for the Queenstown marathon, but that is logistically difficult and just not going to happen this year.  So I'll run with the team, in spirit, 2 weeks later and on a different continent. 

Can Too is a health promotion organisation that engages and inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals. Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run, ride or swim in endurance events- including 10km, half-marathon and marathon runs, ocean swims and triathlons.  I'll be doing it by myself here in Portland, but supported by their training program. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer through Cure Cancer Australia and Cancer Council NSW.

Thank you for supporting me!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Babs Depue

Congrats Angie on your personal best. I hope this helps you reach your goal.


Barb Depue


Annie Crawford

Dear Angie, Thank you so much for running in memory of the gorgeous Justine. Let us keep her memory alive through doing good things



Relentless Forward Progress!


Paul Green

Hey Angie. So great of you to do this. I hope you are able to run with us in Queenstown.


Jenny And Doug Morris



You got this lady!


Jean Schnadig


Brian Whealing

Hi Angie what a great gesture for remembering Juzzi well done


Allie And Greg Koleno


Pam Johnson

You go, girl!! Continue the running!????


Natasha Watts



Sending you strength and love!


Claire Caswell


K Hutson


Sedgwick Family

train hard x