We offer cause-driven workforce engagement
Can Too Foundation has been offering customised training programs for organisations seeking a personal and bespoke opportunity. We have also recently developed a virtual program for corporations to assist them in meeting their obligations to support the mental and physical wellbeing of their employees, while at the same time raising valuable funds to support Australian cancer research and prevention.
We live our values — inspire, motivate, support, empower — in everything we do, making our cause-driven health promotion programs best-placed to deliver improved mental and physical health for your workforce.
Participants from your organisation become part of a supportive Can Too pod which can be grouped in teams of 15-30 people.
The flexible program is for anyone wanting to improve (or maintain) their strength and fitness for beginners through to advanced levels.
Corporate training is a fantastic opportunity for team building and interaction between employees in a positive and social environment.
Can Too Foundation provides corporate face-to-face and virtual training:
Face-to-face training
- Twice-weekly professional coaching for running events.
- 'Orange' team merchandise
- Information session for your employees on the benefits to them
- Online fundraising platform (team or individual)
- Bespoke corporate content can be tailored to your organisation’s program
- Event day marquee for all our runners to celebrate - friends and family welcome!
Virtual training
- Twice-weekly a Can Too Coach Presenter delivers 2 x 45min led videos of Cardio and Strength Exercise Sessions, plus additional self-led sessions
- Allied Health and Guest Can Too Coach video exercises sessions once a week
- The Can Too Coach will provide one-on-one professional consultations to each participant over 10 weeks, to motivate and inspire, including helping to choose a goal challenge
- Online fundraising platform (team or individual)
- Bespoke corporate content can be tailored to your organisation’s program
- Can Too’s Nutrition guide and sourced mindfulness/meditation resources are available to support your employees mental and physical health, find out more.
To learm more about Can Too Foundation's corporate engagement programs, please contact us.

“Can Too Foundation's employee program at AstraZeneca was more successful than we had ever hoped for; apart from the amazing feeling of raising money for cancer research as a collective effort, people got to know each better on a personal level. This has had a positive impact on engagement and collaboration in our everyday interactions and brought more fun to the workplace! Fundraising was easy, from international food days, to BBQs and cake sales. The corporate program is fantastic, we are looking at starting our third program in 2018; no stopping us now!”
— Geraldine Murphy, Site Quality Director, AstraZeneca

"The team bonding is great, as you get to know people outside of the office as well” said Ashleigh Trezise.
“I became part of the Can Too corporate pod to raise awareness about cancer research, to help fund the cause and get some fitness out of it as well. The training is awesome and it’s going great,” said Chad Farah.
— members of our 2019 McCabe Curwood Corporate Pod.
We've worked with these organisations to deliver healthier, happier workforces.