Our Volunteer Leadership Positions
We want to make sure every participant has the best possible Can Too experience and feels supported in their running/swimming and fundraising journey. And that's where Mentors, Team Captains and Champions come in to play.
All of our participants value your energy and enthusiasm and your experience adds to that of the participants. We need Mentors, Team Captains and Champions to spread the Can Too culture.
Could you be one?

Can Too Mentors are a fundraising support role with training programs. Mentors support the Team Captains in program delivery and participants in fundraising.
Mentors understand the culture of Can Too and want to support other participants in their fitness and fundraising journey. Mentors will have completed Can Too programs successfully, reaching fitness and fundraising goals, and who feel comfortable supporting others on their fundraising journey.
Being a Mentor is a big commitment, but a rewarding experience.

Team Captain
Team Captains are responsible for making the program operate as safely, smoothly and efficiently as possible so that participants have the best experience possible.
Team Captains are supportive and inclusive individuals who understand the culture of Can Too to ensure that our community grows and have typically completed at least two programs.
Being a Team Captain is a big commitment and you must be prepared to attend all training sessions in a program, including orientation sessions, to support all participants in the program.

Champions are ambassadors who have Team Captained multiple programs and truly embraced the values and goals of the Can Too Foundation.
The Champion role is diverse and spread around multiple training locations (pods). Having completed multiple Can Too programs, Champions feel comfortable supporting others on their fundraising and fitness journeys.
Champions are there to motivate, inspire and support Team Captains, Mentors and participants across all pods.