Support Us

We rely on your financial support to continue fighting cancer.

Annie Crawford - Can Too Foundation

Can Too Foundation is a social partnership with the community. We're 100% community-funded, which means we receive no government support.

We rely on the financial support of our partners to keep the foundation going, local investment by pod sponsors to keep our health promotion programs viable, and our amazing and inspiring community who train with us and fundraise year after year to continue funding cancer research .

We've built a strong culture of support at the heart of the Can Too Foundation, working in partnership with the community, for the community. 

A recent social impact study has shown that every $1 invested in the Can Too Foundation delivers a ~$3.58 Social Return on Investment (SROI).

We need your help, in big ways and small, to continue transforming lives and giving back to the community. Your contribution will create a four-fold social impact — how incredible is that!!! Thank you for making change possible.

— Annie Crawford, Founder