Louise Marr

Sydney 1km Ocean Swim Training

The Little Big Swim

On Sunday I completed the Little Big Swim.  The first of two 1km ocean swims I have been training for.  The North Bondi Classic is on February 8.

The conditions were near perfect - although a few large sets of waves appeared from nowhere as I swam out to the buoys.  I finished the swim in 25:02 minutes.  Shall see if I can improve on that at Bondi.  I must say, I was very impressed and pleased for my CanToo training buddies that completed the 3km to Whale Beach.  Well done!  ... maybe next year ?

A big thank you to the CanToo pool and beach coaches, pod team captain and training buddies for their part in getting me over the line.  Who'd a thunk it? ... and of course my friends and family for their generous donation to funding cancer research.

Week 10 Update

I completed my first ocean swim today, woohoo! Ok ... so it was only an 800m beginner event, but you have to start somewhere.

CanToo in conjunction with Manly Lifeseaving Club provided several options to cater for all ages and abilities.  I left the 800m sprint, parent/child and 1.5km events for those more suitable qualified. Our swim was from Shelley Beach to Manly Beach, so apart from some swell as you rounded the point and waves coming in to shore it was a comfortable swim.  Unlike the 1.5km which was an M-shape course and where you had to enter and exit the surf zone twice.

I must say, the day was well organised ... although I am not sure if I appreciated the "grey" swimming cap to signify I was in the 50+ age group!

Two weeks to go to the Little Big Swim ...

Week 6 Update

After 6 weeks of training I am more confident tackling the surf - but still a way to go until I reach the fitness level I need to complete the swim comfortably.

Last week the combined groups met at Palm Beach, the location of the 1km "Little Big Swim" and 2.5K "Big Swim" to familiarise ourselves with the conditions.  What a nice day - flat as a tack and the chance to swim rather than battle the waves as we have been doing most weeks at Mona Vale.  The week prior at Mona Vale we headed back to the showers after our training session to find the beach had been closed. We thought the conditions were tough but had no idea the beach had been closed during our training session. Great preparation for whatever the day throws at us on January 25.

Only 4 weeks to go ...

Week 2 Update

Two weeks in & enjoying the swim training. Still not convinced that a 12 week program will be sufficient training to out swim sharks.  Fins & fingers crossed that I won't have to!

Thanks to friends & family that have generously donated to CanToo I have peaked early and reached the minimum goal of $1250 and been awarded my CanToo cossie so will look the part on training days, and blend in with the sea of orange and black lycra.  You may have noticed that I have raised my goal to $2000.  No donation is too small and all gratefully accepted. 

I'm training with Can Too for a 1km Ocean Swim!

I have challenged myself to complete my first ever ocean swim on January 25. What was I thinking?  I hope to do my bit to raise valuable funds that go towards funding cancer research through Cure Cancer Australia. Can Too is a non-profit program that matches fitness incentives with a good cause.

As part of a team I will be given coaching to complete my first ocean swim. The training program (mid-week pool and weekend beach session) starts early November and they are confident they can have me fit and ready in 12 weeks by January 25. Who are they kidding?  Have they seen what shape I am in?

If you are in the position to be able to donate to Can Too, I have made the commitment to raise $1250.

Thank you for supporting me and a good cause.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Simon & Annette Hayes


Mum & Dad

It may take you a week, but, we know your not a quitter !! Just keep paddling!!


Metin And Denice Omayoglu

Good luck, we have total faith you will do this easy


Axel & Asa

Good luck! Hope it won't be too wet ...oh wait...


David Brew

Hi Lou. Hopefully this will help. Dave & Deb


Som Staff

All the very best for your swim!



... "Lucky Johnny's" one was sooooo funny!!! :D Hey just make sure you remember to keep breathing yeah??? and glad your doin it in summer eh? hahahaha


Bruce And Sandi

Yah - you've hit your fundraising target. Now just focus on next Sundays swim. We know you can do it!


Chelsea & Emre

Mars & Murray will protect you from JAWS !!!!


Chris Brogan

Good luck Louise - a great cause. Rather you than me - but you can do it!



Nearly there...I expect you'll exceed expectations! Go Louise!



YEW! So excited for you!!!


Levi & Zane

Good Luck Louise!! Love the Urasli Boys



Good luck, Louise. Best wishes for this and your next challenge!


Louise Marr


Lucky Johnny

I know you will do it for sure. I can't swim but I'll hold your towel for you. ????


Ed Kildea

.....Every good wish, Louise.....such a wonderful cause....!!!



Well done Louise, enjoy it!


Natalija And Ariana - Jades Babies :)

Good luck Louise. You can do it :)


Rachael Brown

I am sure you will be fine :) good luck with the training!



Hi Loui....all the best in your training and the event. I'm with you in Spirit. regards.joe


Carol Gano

Thanks for making the effort through training and your time for us all to painlessly contribute to cancer research.



Blitz the field Louise!



Best of luck...have fun!



Watch for sharks and ferries. Breathe often



Good on you Lou for taking this on : ) I'll be cheering for you every step of the way x



Good luck Louise


Sue Christian-hayes



Best wishes and success on this great event, Louise.



Merry Christmas Louise, so great to share this program with you, you'll blitz your first Cantoo program :)


Penny Lee

Sorry you're swimming away from us in more ways than one! Good luck with the new job and the ocean swim.



Go Weezy!!!


Kev Morgan

Go get em Louise and Goodluck.

