
Autumn Ocean Swim 2.5km Program 2024

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 18,000 participants and raised over $25,000,000 to invest in over 200 one-year cancer research grants.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck mate!


Daniel Gouger

Have a great swim on April 28!


The Cushways

Good luck Coxy, you will smash it.


Sergio Derango


Darren Johnston


Cristina Chang

Go Glen!


Helen Chu

Goodluck Glen!




Scott Harris

Best of luck Glenn. Good for you.




Mayumi Inui

Go Glen!


Fraser Campbell

Just keep swimming


Steve Hands

Good luck mate - hope you smash it!


Liesel Badenhorst

Go Coxy!!


Jay Huynh

Good on you Coxy!


Julian Ball

Good effort Coxy - swim matey Swim!




Rajen Patel


Ian Davison

Good luck Coxy


Val Nolasco

Go Glen!!


Steve Irwin

Good luck, Glen!


Angus Cameron

Go Coxy!!



Cheer for You !!!


Rosie Bas

Go Glen!!!


Kalpesh Patel

Good work Coxy Keep it up. Remember solution only


Karla Murillo


Lilian Veron


Sudhir Marisetty

Good Luck Mate!


Johanna Mcmillan

Good luck Glen!