Claudia Calandra

Melbourne 2.5km or 5km Long Swim Training

I'm training with Can Too for an Open Water Swim!

I am training for an event with Can Too, a non-profit program that matches fitness incentives with a good cause.
Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run, swim or cycle in endurance events- including 9km, half-marathon and marathon runs, triathlons, as well as ocean swims.
In return, I will raise valuable funds that go directly towards funding cancer researchers through Cure Cancer Australia.
‘It’s so much fun and I can’t believe I’m going to achieve this goal that I never thought possible. A great program and team support is making it possible. You Can Too!’

Thank you to my Sponsors



Best of luck for your swims!! xC


Penny Calandra

Good luck for your swims! xxx


Sam & Sheryl Salcman

Go for It !


Bella Ajayoglu





Good Luck Sis very proud of you!! Xx


Laska Family

Our best wishes for your ongoing efforts - good luckDr


Bianca & Darcy




Have fun and enjoy the race!!!


Kristine Zabieglik

Great Effort Claudia, keep up the good work.