Priscilla Duffell

Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 9km 2016

Week 4 - its raining cats and dogs

3 weeks of training down and its time for the benchmark time trial tonight. Only challenge it is raining cats and dogs. In the photo for thyis week I've just finished 3km and you can see there's been so much rain that the water is collecting like an Olympic pool in the middle and on the track over Coach Tam's shoulder! Onward and upward. CanToo trains rain, hail or shine as you never know what the weather is going to be like on race day!

Week 1 - First session

Well I haven't run since the 14/7km relay for the SMH Marathon in May so its a bit of a rude shock getting back into it. The upside is I have a very encouraging coach called Tamara and a nice bunch of ladies with varying levels of running experience so there's lots of company when I train and I am not pushing myself too hard too fast. Its a tad chilly training down at Narrabeen in June and uly compared March and April but once you are warmed up its all good. Feeling optimistic!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Partizan Health

Exercise and cancer research are helping improve outcomes for cancer patients everyday!



So glad we are running together again - you are an inspiration.


Scalded Cat

Yo Cil! Go Hard, show Kevvy up.


Edith Hurt

You are amazing and I love that you are running again with Can Too - go you good thing!


Tracey Green

See you there!!!


Ian, Doreen & Honey Wilks

You are running for a great cause. Good luck!


Hurt Family

Good on you Cil for taking on this challenge. Your Hurt family fan club are cheering you on xx



Usain look out! Here comes Priscilla :P


Priscilla Duffell

Go mum go!!


Gary Hunter


Priscilla Duffell