Lynette Thomas

Sydney 2km or 2.5km Ocean Swim 2016

2015/2016 Blog

Hi all

Well I'm doing it again but this year is slightly different as I have a partner in crime.

First change is I am a Cantoo Mentor this year. An honour

Second change, Jacinda is joining me, here is the reason she decided to join me...

I am doing this as a personal challenge. I have never been a swimmer, and I haven’t been to the beach in years because as a child, I was dumped by waves a lot.

So this year, I’ve decided to face my fears of getting dumped by waves and challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone.

So far I've swam further in the pool than I've ever swum before and at the beach I've been in the surf diving under waves and catch waves into the beach. Never dreamed I could do such things. I mus admit Eloura SLSC water safety people have been AMAZING.

That's our blog for this week. We're off to pool training this afternoon.

I'm training with Can Too for the 2/2.5km Ocean Swim!

I am training for an event with Can Too, a health promotion organisation that engages and inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals.
Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run or swim in endurance events- including 10km, half-marathon and marathon runs; as well as ocean swims and triathlons.
In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer. In 2014, our Can Too community has supported 19 early career researchers through Cure Cancer Australia.

Thank you for supporting me!
‘It’s so much fun and I can’t believe I’m going to achieve this goal that I never thought possible. A great program and team support is making it possible. You Can Too!’

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lynette Thomas


Nicki B

So proud of you.




David Goon Pan

go well


Peter Goonpan


Audrey Warren

Enjoy your swim!