Kate Richards

Sydney Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 21km Sydney 2015

The "not so" Fast and the "never" Furious 6: Kate runs again

There is something awful about getting up really early on a Saturday morning to go for a run. We start running before the pubs have cleared out around Sydney. As the late-night revellers stumble out into the bright sunshine, they are greeted by a swarm of orange clad runners with smiles on their faces and an infectious Cantoo spirit. They must think that there is something awful about running, especially at that time and in stark opposition to the state they are in. 

There is something awful too about the niggles one finds on one's body by running longer and longer distances each week. The parts that won't behave and get injured. The legs that want you to give up. The mind that plays tricks on you, being your worst enemy. 

There is something awful about refusing to go out on Friday night after work because you know you have to do a big run the next morning. One drink of alcohol the night before seems to make the run the next day double in length. There is something awful about being the social pariah who just says "No, I can't" to Friday night events. 

But all of this pales in comparison to the something awful that is cancer. 

I run for many reasons, not because I am fast or the best or even remotely the fittest; I run for a cause. I run for something bigger than myself and that is funding cancer research. 

I have gained many things from my Cantoo experience: energy, friends, a break from work; but most importantly, I run for those who can't. I run for those who have suffered from cancer. I run for those who can life a full and healthy life because of developments in cancer research. I run for the past and future. 

I may not be quick or agile, but I get there in the end, and my end is the better treatment of cancers.

On Wednesday, I begin my sixth half marathon program with Cantoo. I would like to thank all those who have supported me both emotionally and financially in the past. I urge you to consider joining the program with me - we can share our journey together, or I would greatly appreciate your donation to the cause. 

I will be running, pun intended, an event in the next couple of months, but in the interim, it is tax time so you can get a little more money back from the government by donating to my fundraising target of $1250. The money is donated to Cure Cancer Australia and the Cancer Council. 

Thanks again and warm regards, 


Thank you to my Sponsors







Go Kate!!!





when you want to give up remember you've done it 5 times already!



Keep on running Kate! We are so proud of you. Love Dana Scott and Zipfer. PS next time you come over, you will have to take Zipfer running with you. She will love it.



Good luck Kate!



Good luck Richards!



Good luck Kate!


Lisa Gomes

Good job Kate!!


Kym Casey



Keep up the good work Kate!

