Catherine Sulman

Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 9km 2016

One more sleep!

Hi Everyone,

Only one sleep until race day! I'm a bit nervous but have done all the training so hopefully will run the 9kms in a decent time. I'll be thinking of you all as I run across the Harbour Bridge and past the Opera House.

Thank you all so much for your support. You are all incredibly generous and between us all we are contributing to the wonderful research which will result in advances in the cure for cancer. Most of us have been touched in some way by this awful disease so it is very satisfying to be able to do something positive to help the researchers in their work.

Thanks again and I'll let you know how it all pans out tomorrow!!

Lots of love,

Catherine x

3 weeks to go!!

So we are getting to the pointy end now. Yesterday we ran 8kms which for many of us was our longest run ever!! Even for those more seasoned runners in our group, the run back up the Cutting to Centennial Park was a challenge. Obviously we were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves at the end! Huge thanks to coach Phil, Laurie and Kristine for their support and encouagement. Also thanks to Lisa Hackett who provided the very welcome yummy oranges at the end!

A few more weeks of training and then we're there....will keep you all posted!

Thanks so much for all your donations which are going to such a wonderful cause. Keep all your messages of support coming...we need them on those cold wet nights (think last Wednesday night!!) when we really dn't feel like leaving our lovely warm homes!!

Lots of love,


Halfway mark

Hi Everyone,

We have reached the halfway mark and completed out 5km park run this morning in glorious sunshine. The hill was a killer but we all made it back to the finish line with the help of coach Phil and team captain Laurie. It is the most wonderful feeling to see the finish line appear and hear crowd (who finished well before me!) clap you across the line.

Next week we have a 7km run so will need all your messages of support even more, so keep them coming!!

Lots of love,

Catherine xx

Back for more!!

Hi Everyone,

I'm back! Doing the 9km run for CanToo and hoping I can make it. We had our first training session last Wednesday night....the coldest night so far this Winter and we all got through the track session with our coach Phil.

This program goes for 10 weeks so a shorter time than the last program and a longer run. I've already mentioned to those of you who sponsored me last time that I don't expect you to be as generous and I am hoping to reach my target by doing some fundraising bbqs etc so if you're in Sydney you may be roped into that!

I will keep you posted with my progress (or lack thereof).

Keep your messages of support coming!

Love, Catherine x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Catherine Sulman



Good on you Catherine! I can't imagine running 1 km let along 9km so well done to even try - and for a good cause! Good luck with it all XX


Lyn Say


Brett Ryan


Lisa And Graeme Anderson


Jackie Dalton

May the wind always be at your back!


Terry And Alison Fitzpatrick


Michele Dunn And Anthony Atallah

Go Kate!


Pipster Davis

So impressed you are backing up after doing the relay in May! Enjoy every minute of it xox


Helen Golding

Glad to see you have made the first half.Swimming may be next on the agenda.Well done.



Just a small token to spur you on!! Very impressive, keep it up! Lots of love, Kate & James x


Catherine Sulman


Jenny & Michael Baker

Good luck Catherine its grand your running for such a worthy cause.


Karina Seyffer


Matthew Sulman


Finola Sulman

Go Mum. (just don't beat me)