Pip Davis

My Recent Sponsors


Sally Manion


Garry B

Well done Pip - enjoy the journey


Flick Hudson

Pip - what an inspiration you are. My Dad, Tony also died in 1986 of cancer. So, 30 years later, I know he will also be there with you in spirit when you pound those streets of NYC. I am sure our two rugby loving Dads will find each other up there and have a beer or two and cheer you on! What an amazing effort. I too will be cheering you on. Might need to get out there and do one myself one day! Good luck and enjoy. x Flick


Lesl Mason




All the very best Pip. You are inspiring xxx


Rachel Craig


Karen Wilshire



Run pip run!!!


Wattle Treehouse

Huge effort, Pip, but if anyone can do it, it's you. Run like the wind! Jen, Gary, Molly and Peter.



Run like the wind Pipster x